28 November 2007

An idea for a new project - psst...

20 November 2007

On the "Saints' path" near Mt. Brandon, Dingle

An Irish holiday - I finally made it there, if only for a week - and what a beautiful country! The people, the atmosphere, the breathtaking scenery, the live gigs in the pubs, even the food, imagine. We counted ourselves very lucky. And discovered the extremely addictive "Sensations" series of Walker's crisps... Try onion and balsamic vinegar - succulent!

Great Blasket Island and Coumeenole, Slea Head, Dingle

The "sleeping giant" - Inishtooskert Island, Dingle

18 November 2007

Most recent "Chicks'n'Chock" entry - thankful for that "friend" every morning...

22 October 2007

trying out new graphic styles - flyer for the annual open day of a friend's bike shop...

14 September 2007

Fantoche - it's on!!! What a cool festival, not only because my film is being shown... ;-)
It's such a great atmosphere, nice encounters and networking occasions, pointless, beautiful, funny, shocking, cool clips and feature films - I'm trying not to miss much although my eyes are tired by now and my head is more than full.... I wish it could go on forever...!
Here's the hairdresser's shop window I've decorated with extra props I prepared for the festival - strangely, the sail seems to have detached itself from the bow of the ship, although I glued it on (...) - it's in Obere Gasse 35 in Baden.

19 August 2007

the altwegg family crest put on canvas

imagining noble ancestors, valiant knights, beautiful maidens...

inspired by steinlen

27 July 2007

Looks like a chocolate cup cake, dunnit...? Found at least 50 of them in my garden this morning - yuk!!! Carried them faaaaar away to protect my fox glove, rudbeckias and lupines...

11 July 2007

hallo hööören Siiiie...!?!

doodles.... for this week's chicks'n'chock

17 June 2007

ode to the sea...

30 May 2007

I tried my graphic tablet for the first time!

05 May 2007

i am in the midst of creating some artwork for my website-to-be - but how can anyone work with such sleepyheads on their table...?

24 April 2007

Staying with the sea theme - another still from my diploma film. Why I named the ship Southern Cross remains a secret of the convolutions of my brain, but I suppose being born on the Southern hemisphere kind of does that to you... and now I remember - the yacht in Galápagos was called "Cruz del Sur"...

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to float and play all day long...? Sea lion dancing in the sunlit sea off Santa Fé Island, Galápagos

05 April 2007

An older self-portrait, but it still holds value...

Tina Altwegg