29 September 2015

Arts Trail this coming weekend of 3/4 October!

The Windmill Hill and Victoria Park Arts Trail is on again this coming weekend - everyone opening up their houses and showing art - come and have a look!

Art on the Hill

09 September 2015

New Exhibition coming - save the date(s)

The Animal Within is Dancing

Very exchited to announce a new exhibition with some existing and some new work! Join me at the private view on 18 September 2015 or pop in another day - the pictures are up until 9 October 2015.

The Farm pub, Hopetoun Road, Bristol, from 19:00hrs. Bring a friend. Or two.

12 August 2015

Dancing Pigs - Rocking St. Werburghs...!

I've just finished my second mural using a combination of rollers, paint brushes and spray cans! It's at the City Farm in St. Werburghs in Bristol, and just in time for the arrival of the new pigs, Penny and Del!

19 March 2015

Another good week at the Victoria Park!

If you are in the area, pop into the Victoria Park pub on Raymend Road in Bristol - I've got six of my "Foxagrammes" framed on the blackberry-coloured wall! They're up there for another good week, until the end of March. Also, the Victoria Park has excellent food and coffees... ;-)

Tina Altwegg